"Triggering cation-induced contraction of cytoskeleton networks via microfluidics."

S.N Ricketts, P. Khanal, M.J. Rust, M. Das, J.L. Ross and R.M. Robertson-Anderson.
Front. Phys. doi: 10.3389/fphy.2020.596699 (2020).

"Direct Observation of Ring Polymer Dynamics in the Flow-Gradient Plane of Shear Flow."

M.Q. Tu, M. Lee, R.M. Robertson-Anderson and C. Schroeder.
Macromolecules. doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c01362 (2020).

"Towards bioinspired wet adhesives: Lessons from assessing surface structures of the suction disc of intertidal clingfish."

J.A. Sandoval, J. Sommers, K.R. Peddireddy, R.M. Robertson-Anderson, M.T. Tolley and D.D. Deheyn.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. doi: 10.1021/acsami.0c10749 (2020).

"Anomalous and heterogeneous DNA transport in biomimetic cytoskeleton networks."

J. Garamella, K. Regan, G. Aguirre, R.J. McGorty and R.M. Robertson-Anderson.
Soft Matter, 16, 6344-6353 (2020).

"Viscoelastic properties of ring-linear DNA blends exhibit non-monotonic dependence on blend composition."

K.R. Peddireddy, M. Lee, C. Schroeder and R.M. Robertson-Anderson.
Phys. Rev. Research. 2, 023213 (2020) .

"Actin and microtubule crosslinkers tune mobility and control co-localization in a composite cytoskeletal network."

L. Farhadi, S.N Ricketts, M.J. Rust, M. Das, R.M. Robertson-Anderson and J.L. Ross.
Soft Matter, doi: 10.1039/C9SM02400J (2020).

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