Kinesin and myosin motors compete to drive rich multiphase dynamics in programmable cytoskeletal composites

R. J. McGorty, C. J. Currie, J. Michel, M. Sasanpour, C. Gunter, K. A. Lindsay, M. J. Rust, P. Katira,
M. Das, J. L. Ross, R. M. Robertson-Anderson.
PNAS Nexus (2023) DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad245

Cooperative Rheological State-Switching of Enzymatically-Driven Composites of Circular DNA And Dextran

J. Marfai, R. J. McGorty, R. M. Robertson-Anderson.
Advanced Materials (2023) DOI: 10.1002/adma.202305824

Interplay of self-organization of microtubule asters and crosslinking protein condensates

S. Sahu, P. Chauhan, E. Lumen, K. Moody, K. Peddireddy, N. Mani, R. Subramanian,
R. M. Robertson-Anderson, A. J. Wolfe, J. L. Ross
PNAS Nexus (2023) DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad231

Motor antagonism dictates emergent dynamics in active double networks tuned by crosslinkers

R. J. McGorty, C. J. Currie, J. Michel, M. Sasanpour, C. Gutner, K. A. Lindsay, M.J. Rust,
P. Katira, M. Das, J. L. Ross, R. M. Robertson-Anderson
arXiv:2112.11260 (2023). Under review at Soft Matter

Timed material self-assembly controlled by circadian clock proteins

G. Leech, L. Melcher, M. Chiu, M. Nugent, L. Burton, J. Kang, S. J. Kim, S. Roy, L. Farhadi, J. L. Ross, M. Das, M. J. Rust, R. M. Robertson-Anderson
arXiv:2303.00779 (2023).

Polymer threadings and rigidity dictate the viscoelasticity and nonlinear relaxation dynamics of entangled ring-linear blends and their composites with rigid rod microtubules

K. R. Peddireddy, R. Clairmont, R. M. Robertson-Anderson
Journal of Rheology, 67(1),125–138 (2023)
DOI: 10.1122/8.0000529

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